Thursday, December 3, 2009

Ni artikel yg aku dapat berkenaan "Nucleoplasty"

In the Nucleoplasty procedure, the physician removes tissue and applies controlled levels of thermal energy (heat) to the disc. Nucleoplasty is usually performed on an outpatient basis. Local anesthesia and mild sedation may be used to reduce discomfort during the procedure. You will be awake to enable you to provide important feedback to the physician. With the guidance of X-ray images, your physician will first advance a needle into the disc. A specialized device, known as a Perc-D™ SpineWand™, will then be introduced through the needle and into the disc. Nucleoplasty consists of creating a series of channels in your disc and then thermally treating the tissue immediately adjacent to the Perc-D SpineWand. Small amounts of radio wave energy are released into the damaged disc through the Perc-D SpineWand that is about the thickness of a dime. The energy creates a molecular reaction that causes some of the spongy tissue inside the damaged disc to dissolve. As pressure inside the disc is reduced, the herniation in the shell retracts, the irritation to the nearby nerve roots is reduced, and pain is relieved. The procedure should take less than an hour.


1hb aritu aku admitted kt KPJ seremban, kononnya nk wat rawatan tentang kecederaan aku nih. setelah berbincang ngn doktor pakar tempohari, dia mencadangkan aku utk menjalani "nucleoplasty procedure" dimana disc aku yg bengkak tu di hangat dengan gelombang radio, dengan harapan, leh kecut. prosedur ni xperlukan pembedahan, cuma menggunakan jarum khas. aku pon setuju la, so, aku pn datang pd 1hb pagi, trus admitted n petang tu aku ke operation theatre utk menjalani prosedur nih.. kene pulak, hospital tu boleh ada function la pulak, staff xcukup dan aku terpaksa menunggul dr pkl 1430 smpila pkl 1930 kt loading bay. uhuk. pastu, aku pon masuk la kt O.T pd pukul 1930, dan diberi bius, kata pakar bius tu, aku akan sedar sepanjang masa rawatan, tp, abis je dia inject aku, aku terus pengsan. nasib baik sempat mengucap.
aku sedar semula pada pukul 2100 semasa aku nk dibawa masuk ke wad. pastu, aku aku tertidur, smpi la kawan aku kol kata nk dtg temankan aku dlm pkl 2200 dia datang. bile aku sedar tu, aku rasa keselesaan yg lebih setahun aku xrasa. aku fikir, rawatan tu berkesan. aku punye la hepi, siap aku suh mmbr aku tu tido kt katil, aku tido kt kerusi, yela, pinggang da mantap... lgpon, aku kesian kt dia, sbb dia balik keje trus dtg tgk aku.
esoknye, dalam pukul 1000, doktor datang melawat aku, dukacita dimaklumkan, dia xboleh nk wat prosedur tu sbb jarum tu xboleh nk dicucuk pada disc aku sbb tulang pinggul aku block. rupa2nya dia cuma inject steroid kt kawasan tu. adeh, gemuk lagi la aku... huhuk... sampai2 rumah, aku check, ada 5 lobang dia tebuk kt blkg aku. haha.. tp, yg peliknye, sakit aku btul2 hilang dek kerana penangan doktor ni, sbb sblom ni, doktor lain yg inject, n sakit aku hilang kejap je, dlm sehari dua. kali ni da 3hari aku painfree..